-The members of friends of Wisdom in Malawi so far have attended 3 meetings of formation, and this is still the first stage of our formation. Our Sisters- the Daughters of Wisdom are helping us with the formation. As you are quite aware that there are 4 stages to be a fully friend of Wisdom, In our case we are still in the 1ststage whereby we are deepening our Christian faith with the goal: To hear the invitation of Wisdom whereby we are discussing in depth on the theme of:-Our Way of Life, is it a way of Wisdom?
As one way of deepening our faith, and searching for Wisdom’s ways, we have been participating in Novena prayers for our founders ….. from one feast to the next. This was done in preparation for the feast ofSt. Louis Marie de Montfort on 28thApril and blessed Mother Marie Louise of Jesus on 7thMay. In addition to these novena prayers we participated on the prayers highlighting the life of our mother Marie Louise to mark 25thAnniversary of her beatification. These have been blessed moments because we really deepened the knowledge on our founders and they inspired and transformed us in many ways.
In Malawi they celebrate Montfort feast as a family, the Montfort Missionaries and the Daughters of Wisdom since the brothers of St. Gabriel are not yet here but we are told they will soon be here. We were honored to be part of the family celebrating this feast together. We had family Eucharistic celebration followed by lunch.
In following the words our dear mother Marie Louise “ if I were a piece of cloth, I would give myself to clothe the poor” to mark the 25thanniversary of her beatification in collaboration with the Daughters of Wisdom in Malawi we participated in distribution of maize flour to the needy people at Sitima Parish in Zomba Diocese and at Lunzu parish in the Archdiocese Blantyre. These are the places where our sisters are serving.
We also witnessed first profession our 2 sisters to sisterhood at St Mary’s Chapel, and there after reception at St. Mary’s Secondary School hall. These are the activities that we have done so far and we are happy because we are coming to the deeper understanding of our Spirituality which we are called to live.
Robert Likome.
Below are some of the photos on what we have been doing:
Sharing in group discussion and below a group photos after first and second meeting.
First meeting in Lunzu
Second meeting at Our Lady of Wisdom in Limbe
Meeting with the mother General when she visited Malawi.
Members cutting a cake on 07thMay after finishing novena with the Daughters of Wisdom.
After novena prayers marking 25 years of the beatification of mother Marie Louise with the Daughters of Wisdom of Lunzu.
Sharing food to the elderly in collaboration with the Daughters of Wisdom
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